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Business News

Can You Use AI for Trading Crypto?

The crypto market is endlessly fascinating for true crypto enthusiasts, who are constantly studying the markets in pursuit of buying low and selling high and constantly looking for new opportunities...

Business News

How to Make Better Investment Decisions for Your Future

As an investor thinking about your financial future, you can minimize your risks and maximize your returns with the right strategies and thorough research. It starts with avoiding making snap,...

Business News

The Best Hobbies to Take Up as a New Retiree

If you want to lead a richer, more fulfilling, more social life as a retiree, you need to take up some new hobbies. The problem is that some hobbies are...

Business News

Embracing Old-Fashioned Frugal Living Like Grandma

In the age of fast fashion, instant gratification, and ever-expanding credit cards, remembering our grandparents’ simple ways can seem quaint. For one, Grandma didn’t even own a credit card; only...

Business News

Is a Soft Retirement the Right Move for You?

When you picture your retirement, what comes to mind? You might envision yourself relaxing on a beach, spending time with family, traveling the world, or participating more in your favorite...

Business News

150 Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness

We can feel as if our individual actions don’t make a difference when the world is so divided and filled with negativity. But what if I told you that even...