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Business News

5 Ways Numbers-Phobic Entrepreneurs Can Handle Small Business Finance With Ease

Entrepreneurship involves numbers. It's as simple as that. However, the way each entrepreneur interacts with numbers, especially when it comes to finances, varies from one individual to the next. Even...

Business News

Why Owning Real Estate Will Help You Retire Faster, Healthier, and Wealthier

Creating an effective retirement plan deserves a significant investment of your time, and the earlier you start planning, the better. Depending on where you are in your life, you might...

Business News

How to Keep Monthly Expenses Stable in Retirement

In retirement, you’ll likely be living on a consistent budget with fixed monthly expenses. If that budget is ample, you should easily be able to meet all your needs. But...

Business News

Investing in Pawsperity: A Guide to Budgeting for Your Family's New Pet

Pets are a wonderful addition to a happy family. They can bring a sense of joy, peace, and contentment to any household, from single, career-driven individuals to larger families. Pet...

Business News

How to Market Your Business During Economic Uncertainty

Successfully marketing your business is a challenge regardless of economic uncertainty. But when its overall performance doesn't look like it's going to trend upward, this uncertainty can make you sweat....

Business News

The Customer Experience-Finance Paradox: How to Deliver Both

Customer experience writer and keynote speaker Stan Phelps once said, "Customer experience isn't an expense. Managing customer experience bolsters your brand." In the present-day business landscape, companies face growing demands...