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Business News

What Climbing Interest Rates Mean for Annuities?

Careful scrutiny of your retirement plans requires you to factor in annuities to balance your investment portfolio. Annuities remain reliable investment vehicles to generate a guaranteed income post-retirement. Meticulously planned...

Business News

Why It's Difficult to Plan for Medical Expenses in Retirement (and What to Do About It)

It would be super convenient if life was perfectly predictable. Weather forecasts would always be right. Investing in the stock market would be easy. And we wouldn't have to make...

Business News

How Emerging Technology is Helping Teams Save on Development Costs

Software developer pay spans a notoriously wide range, but few would argue that U.S.-based development costs are "cheap." According to a U.S. News & World Report analysis, the median U.S....

Business News

4 Reasons Why Happy Employees Are Good for Your Bottom Line

When running a company, it's natural to use stock price and profits as metrics for how your business is performing. But if you're not actively supporting your employees, you are...

Business News

11 Smart Tactics for Building a Wealthy Retirement Faster

There is no singular recipe for building a wealthy retirement faster than your peers. If you talk to 1,000 millionaires, you'll get 1,000 different suggestions. However, when you drill down...

Business News

Retirement and Travel: Planning Your Dream Adventure

It’s not until retirement that people can finally relax and plan the trips they’ve always wanted. Whether you’re about to retire or have already retired, what better way to celebrate...