Deborah Mitchell: Page 2


Emmy-nominated network television producer Deborah Mitchell is a veteran of ABC and CBS News, a member of the Producers Guild of America, and a board member of the James Beard Broadcast and Media Awards Committee. Through Deborah Mitchell Media Associates she will create your online personality with a customized website, book you on the right television show, manage your social media profiles and finally connect you with the best and brightest digital influencers. Mitchell is author of So You Want To Be On TV

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Resumes & Interviewing

10 Skills That Make a TV Producer a Great Hire or Partner for Businesses

Producing a show is a lot like founding and running a business -- you need a message, a team, content or service and great execution.


Stop Wasting Time, Especially When It Comes to Social Media

Just think about how quickly hours go by when you read through Facebook posts. And that's just one social-media platform. As entrepreneurs, we don't have time to waste.

Growing a Business

Why You Need an Exit Strategy for Your Business

It turns out, without a detailed exit strategy, I have been working harder, not smarter, with no real plan for the end.


3 Luxuries I Left Behind When I Became an Entrepreneur

Back in the days when I worked for a big company, I had lots of money to throw around. Now I have to be a little creative to get similar perks.


Hey Loudmouth, Keep It Down! The 4 Most Annoying Cell Phone Habits.

Since July is National Cell Phone Courtesy month, it's the perfect time to remind everyone of a few basic cell phone etiquette rules.


Do We Really Need to Shake Hands?

Many people are grossed out by moist or sweaty hands, and some fear germs and dirt, but what's the alternative?