Drew McLellan: Page 2


Drew McLellan is the CEO of Agency Management Institute, serving 250+ agencies to help the owners build profitable agencies that evolve and scale.

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Operations & Logistics

This Payment Model Will Keep Clients Satisfied and Bank Accounts Full

Cash flow issues can stop a budding business in its tracks. Use these four tips to design a retainer fee agreement that not only keeps clients happy, but also keeps the lights on.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Avoid Elon Musk-Style Firing Sprees by Having Hard Conversations Sooner

Confronting employees who misbehave is never fun (or easy), but company leaders can't afford to ignore bad behavior until it creates larger issues.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Losing Employees to Clients or Competitors? Culture Is the Secret to Retaining Them.

Smart companies recruit and retain top talent by using these four culture-related strategies.


Outdoor Advertising Is Conquering. Why Aren't You Using It?

To catch the eyes of pixel-jaded consumers, creative brands are taking it outside.


That Potential Client Is Judging You So Focus on Making a Good First Impression

Those first few seconds of a meeting could make or break a business deal. Here's how to make and leverage a good first impression.

Starting a Business

Be Different or Die: Find New Business in Your Crowded Space

Uber's doing one thing right -- differentiating itself enough to dive into a tightly packed startup space. Here's how you can stand out from the crowd, too.

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