Eduardo Scheffler Zawadzki: Page 20

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Business News

#Rompiendo, TikTok's strategy to promote artists of Latin origin

Every 15 days, the program will present a successful Latin artist who is 'breaking'' it with his music on the platform.


Casa Humilde la cervecería de Chicago creada por dos emprendedores de origen mexicano

Los hermanos López crearon cervezas artesanales inspiradas por los sabores y colores de México. El negocio lo iniciaron experimentando en la casa de sus padres.

Thought Leaders

Casa Humble the Chicago brewery created by two entrepreneurs of Mexican origin

The López brothers created craft beers inspired by the flavors and colors of Mexico. They started the business experimenting in their parents' house.


La plataforma latina para influencers presenta a sus nuevas inversionistas: Thalia y Sofia Vergara

Además de las dos artistas figuran entre las celebridades que apoyan económicamente a la empresa: Juanpa Zurita, Evaluna Montaner, Tommy Mottola y Luis Balaguer.

Business News

The Latin platform for influencers presents its new investors: Thalia and Sofia Vergara

In addition to the two artists, among the celebrities who financially support the company are: Juanpa Zurita, Evaluna Montaner, Tommy Mottola and Luis Balaguer.

Thought Leaders

The Art of Redefining Your Path: The Incredible Story of Mansour Bahrami

Sometimes things don't go as expected and there are circumstances that alter our destiny. The story of this tennis player teaches us one thing: if you have a dream, follow it!