Gael O'Brien: Page 3


Gael O'Brien is publisher of The Week In Ethics and founder of coaching/consulting firm Strategic Opportunities Group. Do you have an ethical dilemma? Write to The Ethics Coach at

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Latest: Page 3

Business News

The Ethics Coach on Cash Deals, Transparency and More

Our ethics coach takes your questions about under-the-table payments, planned obsolescence and price transparency.


The Ethics Coach on Crisis Management

How to run a business during a state of emergency.


The Ethics Coach on Verbal Agreements, Ghostwriting and More

Digging into the nuances of verbal agreements, the scary side of ghosting and working for the competition.


The Ethics Coach on Practicing What You Preach

Our ethics expert answers questions about online games, employee pay and more.

Growing a Business

The Ethics Coach Tackles Thorny Issues of Ownership and If Pay-for-Play Is Ever OK

Our resident ethics coach tackles your tricky ethical dilemmas, such as is 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' ever an acceptable business practice?


The Ethics Coach on Dealing With Backstabbing

What to do when someone you trust betrays you and how to address a competitor who cops to unethical behavior.

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