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Gordon Tredgold is one of Global Guru's Top 10 Leadership Experts. He has worked in senior leadership positions, delivering $100 million projects and running $300 million departments. He now helps clients become leaders who are in demand, know how to succeed and get paid the big bucks.

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Thought Leaders

5 Regrets of a Failed Entrepreneur

Everybody makes mistakes but don't make the same mistakes as everybody.


10 Stupid Mistakes Smart People Make

IQ only gets you so far. The rest of success is avoiding missteps (see below) and then simply showing up and starting.


To Achieve Your Full Potential Stop Telling Yourself These 5 Lies

Stop focusing on what's beyond your control and start considering what you can improve.


5 Good Reasons to Fire Your Worst Customers

Good customers are the lifeblood of any business and toxic customers are the bane of every business.


3 Reasons Why Attitude Is More Important to Your Company Than Aptitude

You can help employees develop better skills but attitude is something they need to have all on their own.


Encouraging Smart Risk Taking Doesn't Mean Tolerating Dumb Mistakes

Your company needs to encourage a prudent approach to taking the risks necessary to maximize your potential.

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