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Business News

How These Two Dueling Impulses Could Impact the Stock Market

The S&P 500 (SPY) hit its first rough patch since mid-July. And, we've basically retraced the entire last leg higher. As we laid out in our previous commentaries, the conditions...

Business News

End of the Stock Market Rally or Pause for a Breather?

The S&P 500 (SPY) rally has taken a breather after hitting the 200 day moving average. It's certainly possible that we have topped and are immediately headed lower, it's possible...

Business News

Bio-Techne is Our Growth Stock of the Week

It's uncertain whether the current market advance is the start of a new bull market or a bear market rally. What cannot be debated is that biotech stocks are leading...

Business News

3 Cybersecurity Stocks to Buy on the Pullback

Tech stocks are rallying. Within the sector, cybersecurity stocks offer the best combination of growth and value especially as the sector's importance grows everyday. Read on to find out why...

Business News

Bear Market Rally Part 2

The bear market rally has extended further with a strong showing, following the Fed meeting and even more gains in the after-hours sessions due to strong reports from Apple and...

Business News

2 'Best of Breed' Tech Stocks to Accumulate for the Next Bull Market

The market is enjoying a nice bounce off the mid-June lows as the S&P 500 nears the critical 4,000 level. Regardless of what happens in the short term, the market...