Jessica Thomas: Page 5

Entrepreneur Staff
Senior Digital Content Director

Jessica Thomas is the senior digital content director at Entrepreneur. Prior to this role, she spent nearly five years on staff at Worth magazine and was a staff writer for Bustle. 

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Latest: Page 5

Business News

New Survey Finds Nearly Half of Small-Business Owners Don't See a Need for Physical Stores (Infographic)

An August survey of 500 small-business owners found they're instead focusing on digital sales.

Thought Leaders

A Complete Guide to Selling on Facebook Shops for Small Businesses (Infographic)

With online shopping more critical than ever, here's how to out-sell the competition on Facebook.


This Marie Kondo E-Course Might Finally Help You Get Organized

The Netflix star and author discusses her new, 10-part digital tidying class.


Aroma Joe's Leader: "How I Learned to Be a CEO"

Loren Goodridge served in the Navy, learned about business as a Subway franchisee and is now CEO of growing franchise Aroma Joe's. Here's why it was the perfect path.

Operations & Logistics

Summer's Officially Over - What's Next for Businesses That Rely on Seasonal Tourism?

Four ways seasonal businesses can adapt to ever-changing circumstances right now.

Business News

Why Is Kim Kardashian West Boycotting Instagram Today?

She and a group of celebrities including Katy Perry, Michael B. Jordan and Leonardo DiCaprio are calling for action from Instagram's parent company, Facebook.