John Rampton: Page 19

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® VIP


John Rampton is an entrepreneur, investor and startup enthusiast. He is the founder of the calendar productivity tool Calendar.

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Latest: Page 19


Why People Who Schedule Fewer Tasks Get More Done

Your calendar becomes much more manageable when you stop filling it up with tasks you could delegate or automate.


10 Ways to Begin Teaching Your Toddler Business Skills

Life skills are business skills.


25 Tips to Network With Top CEOs

Successful CEOs know their success depends in part on meeting new people who bring value.


How to Be Productive During Long (or Short) Airport Layovers

Any city big enough to have an airport is big enough to have opportunities worth sniffing out.


The Unusual Morning Routines That Set Successful Founders Apart

How well you sleep and the state of mind you create at the beginning of the day have a lot to do with how much you'll accomplish.


The Step-by-Step Guide to Firing a Remote Employee

There are ways to make the process fair, respectful and relatively painless.