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Construction Tech Startup Projecthero's In-app Chat Feature Combats Fraud In Blue-collar Industry

Projecthero, a construction tech startup has built a membership-driven professional network for India's construction industry which recently introduced a chat feature in its app to ensure that all communications between workers and contractors take place on the app.


World Health Day 2023: 4 Simple Practices That Will Improve Your Health

The most successful approach to improved health is through continuous, sustainable activities that can be maintained over the long term, despite the temptation to seek out short fixes or miraculous solutions.


4 Lessons From The World Championship Boxers

Each game and sports persons serve as a great study for entrepreneurs, CEOs, managers, employees, interns and anybody trying to make it in the tumultuous corporate world. Here are four lessons that triumphant pugilists such as Mary Kom have taught us.

Social Media

Are You Also A Glass Child? Decoding TikTok's New Trend

Recently this space has seen a new trauma-related trend gain popularity with over 58 million views. This new trend involves people sharing their experiences of having the glass child syndrome.

Social Media

4 Tips and Tricks to Ace Your LinkedIn Game

LinkedIn hosts more than 600 million business profiles giving each user an unlimited supply of network connections and job opportunities. Hence it is important for working professionals to pay attention to their presence on this site as with the right updates their audience can increase rapidly.

News and Trends

Akshay Kumar to Launch Wellness Products for Men with The Good Glamm Group

The actor along with the Good Glamm Group will be investing in capital to create products formulated using active, natural and efficacious ingredients with a high degree of innovation.