Lydia Belanger: Page 9

Lydia Belanger is a former associate editor at Entrepreneur. Follow her on Twitter: @LydiaBelanger.

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Latest: Page 9

Business News

10 Amazing Moments in Microsoft's History, From Its Founding to Desktop Dominance to Today

Here's how the software company, founded on April 4, 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, paved the way for personal computing and dominated the market.


Go Inside The Wing, the Women-Only Coworking Space That Celebrates and Supports Women Creators

As The Wing expands, its founders are learning more about what its members want.

Science & Technology

10 Ways Technology Hijacks Your Behavior

Data, gamification and other means of psychological manipulation can influence you to make healthy choices, work harder, spend money and more.


Here Are 6 Weird Ways You're Being Tracked in the Real World

You probably know that your online activity creates a data trail. But technology is creeping into the offline world, making it difficult to go anywhere without leaving a trace.

Social Media

Here's How to Download and Delete Your Facebook Data

Facebook just announced that managing your data will soon get even easier. In the meantime, here's a step-by-step guide to finding and erasing it.


Take a Look at This Cosmic Coworking Space That Was Inspired By a Hallucinogenic Drug

The Assemblage is designed to bring its community members closer together by reflecting upon the interconnectivity of Earth and the cosmos.