Lydia Belanger: Page 8

Lydia Belanger is a former associate editor at Entrepreneur. Follow her on Twitter: @LydiaBelanger.

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Latest: Page 8


10 Popular Jobs in Tech That Don't Require Tech Skills

Whoever said coding is the new literacy?


These Two Sexual Health Companies Have Responded Differently to the #MeToo Movement

Unbound and Dame Products both sell sex toys, but they have very different company cultures and policies.

Money & Finance

Most Entrepreneurs Are Embracing the Hustle and on Track to Meet Their Goals Despite Challenges

Square surveyed small-business owners to gauge their optimism and financial security.

Social Media

Facebook's Earnings Are a Bright Spot After an Otherwise Dismal First Quarter

The Cambridge Analytica scandal arrived too late in the quarter to weaken the tech giant's financial performance or user count.


How to Add Plants to an Office to Make Employees More Focused and Productive

An interior design expert shares tips for sprucing up your office space, drawing on the philosophy of biophilia.