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Business News

Making the Grade

Lessons learned, collegiates help high schoolers ace campus life.

Business News

Get in the Game

In the $18 billion video game industry, independent developers are teaming up with the big boys.

Business News

Earn Your Stripes

Feeling patriotic this Fourth of July? Follow the lead of these four entrepreneurs who've built businesses that help soldiers overseas and let the troops know how much they're appreciated.

Business News

Who's Counting?

Full of ideas? Create multiple businesses while still in school. Here's how.

Business News

Wonder Women

Excitement roared into Florida as women entrepreneurs took over the Miami Beach Convention Center for the second annual Women in Charge conference, hosted by Entrepreneur and OPEN from American Express.

Business News

When Duty Calls

For the military, only the best will do. So Denise Gilchrist sets her company apart by emphasizing quality.