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Business News

How Small-Home Senior Living Might Change in 2022

With the Covid-19 epidemic, small-home elder living has gone from a niche offering to a hot topic. A lot has changed with single-family small homes and high-rises. Small-home senior living...

Business News

Gig Economy Retirement Planning

Gig workers, like everyone else, deserve a pension. Freelancers, contract workers, self-employed, temp workers, on-call employees, and individuals with side hustles make up a significant component of our economy. Currently,...

Business News

What Is the Median Age of Retirement Savings?

How Much Should I Put Away for Retirement? What Are the Age-Related Retirement Savings Recommendations? The figures may look impressive. Why? According to the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies’ report,...

Business News

Are you putting money down for retirement?

Money for retirement? Is that still a thing? Maybe not. Why bother to save? Global warming. Greenhouse gas. Don’t be fooled. Money and more money are some reasons why a...

Business News

Why Everyone Should Own At Least One Rental Property

When considering all assets, real estate has the most significant potential for long-term profit. That's why people invest in real estate — to build wealth. While you can start making...

Business News

Which Types of Business Insurance Should You Purchase?

Entrepreneurial types tend to be relentless in the pursuit of their dreams. Many bring a single-minded focus to getting their business up and running. They spend every waking moment (and...