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Business News

When Does it Make Sense to Refinance Your Mortgage?

If you're a homeowner with an existing mortgage, you might think you're all set. But just because you have a mortgage locked in doesn't necessarily me...

Business News

What Types of Workflow Automation are Worth Investing in for Small Businesses?

It can seem as though there's no end to the number of workflow software solutions available for the small business owner. Given the dizzying array of...

Business News

7 Ways to Save Money on a Personal Office Space

Do you have a proper workspace or are you working from your couch, bed, or kitchen table? If you don't have access to a dedicated workspace, your prod...

Business News

5 Things You Should Know Before Financing Your Home

Shopping for a home is always fun and exciting, but actually buying and financing one can be stressful. A push for more space during the lockdown, plus low interest rates, has turned the real estate market into a feeding frenzy. Surging demand has driven up home prices and sparked bidding wars among would-be buyers. And […]The post 5 Things You Should Know Before Financing Your Home appeared first on Due.

Business News

What is Considered a Financial Emergency?

Years ago, while driving home from college, my car broke down at a toll booth. I naturally panicked. Not so much from the embarrassment — but the dread of how much this was going to cost me to tow and repair. Most of us don't like to spend money on such matters. It's even worse, […]The post What is Considered a Financial Emergency? appeared first on Due.

Business News

6 Things to Consider When Choosing a Cryptocurrency Exchange

Crypto Mania has not gone anywhere. Everyone, from enterprising millennials to major financial institutions, is scrambling to learn more about the capabilities of this incredible technology. More importantly, they want to know how they can cash in on the craze. That means choosing a cryptocurrency exchange. As cryptocurrency grows and widespread adoption increases, more people […]The post 6 Things to Consider When Choosing a Cryptocurrency Exchange appeared first on Due.