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Business News

Same Old Same Old in the Stock Market

We all have unique strengths and weaknesses. I would like to think that my strength is making sense of a highly irrational stock market and charting a course to outperform...

Business News

Sell the Rumor…Buy the News

Did you do a double take on today's headline - "Sell the Rumor, Buy the News"? Yes, it is the inverse of the standard investor wisdom to buy the rumor,...

Business News

3 Charts that PROVE Future Direction of Stock Market

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then get ready for 3 charts and 3,000+ words that point to the future direction of the stock market (SPY). Spoiler Alert:...

Business News

With Earnings Season Taking Center Stage Are We Past the Worst of the Correction?

You knew the bottoming process on this correction would not be easy. Once it seemed like the coast was clear on Wednesday the market tumbled a nasty -2.44% on Thursday....

Business News

Is the Stock Market Correction Over?

January was brutal for investors as the stock market (SPY) endured the first real correction in nearly 2 years. Now with stocks bouncing back from bottom we have to wonder...

Business News

Stock Market "Nausea Index" Going Off

The stock market (SPY) has seen fresh lows this week scaring many investors into selling their positions. On the other hand, 40 year investment veteran shares a proprietary market indicator...