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Business News

Yet Another "Buy the Dip" Opportunity

The market gods have once again presented us with another juicy "buy the dip" opportunity after the S&P (SPY) tumbled on Tuesday. This all goes back t...

Business News

How to Beat the Market the Rest of the Year?

The easy gains that came at the start of this new bull market are fading away fast. In fact the stock market (SPY) has become quite volatile with gain...

Business News

Investor Alert: Keep Calm and Carry On

The stock market (SPY) took a scary turn on Monday as news of Evergrande culminated in a worldwide sell off. Now with a little time and perspective in...

Business News

2 Best Stocks of All Time!

I bought Amazon (AMZN) and Booking (BKNG) back in 2001 for phenomenal gains to date. Let's discuss what those investments had in common and how that w...

Business News

Is This a Frankenstein Stock Market?

"It's Alive!" Yes, one could say this is a Frankenstein stock market (SPY) because of the awkward, lurching fashion in which it moves forward. Investo...

Business News

Stock Investors: Don't Believe the Doomsayers

August was showing some solid gains before Monday's sell off thanks to the weak Retail Sales report. The overall decline of the S&P 500 (SPY) doesn't...