Anytime Fitness

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4 Easy Ways Busy Business Owners Can Stay Fit and Healthy Even the busiest entrepreneurs can make their personal health a priority. Here's how.

Martin Novak | Getty Images

When you're an entrepreneur, your work seems to follow you everywhere you go. But just like your business, your body has fundamental needs. It demands attention and care to function properly.

Here are four ways even the busiest entrepreneurs can get fit and stay in shape—with a strong emphasis on ease.

1. Start your regimen on the weekend.

If you've ever tried to stick to a strict weekly workout schedule, you've probably found that it's easier to get yourself moving on a Monday or Tuesday than a Friday. People tend to be most motivated at the beginning of the week. That momentum wanes as the days go on and stress accumulates.

That's why many fitness experts suggest starting your week of exercise on a Saturday or Sunday to set yourself up for success during the week.

Over the weekend, it tends to be easier to fit in an hour or so of exercise. Not only do you get to feel good about how you spent your break, you prime your pump for the start of the workweek.

If you can find time to exercise every day through Wednesday, then you'll have gotten in a full week's worth of exercise by mid-week, putting you in the right frame of mind to keep the streak going—or at least to start a new one next weekend.

2. Make eating healthy as simple as possible.

With a business to run, it's easy to convince yourself that you can skip breakfast, work through lunch, and then grab a late dinner. Throw in some energy drinks and you'll feel productive, right?

Wrong. This can work for a little while, but it's an unsustainable practice to keep up for the time it will take to make your business a success. You need to eat regularly, and what you eat should be good for your body. Eating healthy can be a challenge, but there are ways to simplify things.

Spend an hour on a Sunday prepping meals to save yourself the hassle and stress during the week. The last thing you want to do is come home to an empty fridge and wind up at the store buying ice cream and chips. Instead, make sure that you have healthy snacks ready to go all the time.

More ideas: Bake muffins and store them in your freezer for a grab-and-go breakfast, make a pot of soup and reheat it for dinner, or put together individual batches of trail mix so you don't indulge during the work day. There's something for virtually any diet or desire.

3. Find your perfect local gym.

Going to a local gym has benefits far beyond exercise. You'll meet other people and feel less alone in your quest to get fit. You also can get help from professionals who are equipped to help you reach your goals.

Finding a great gym is one of the best ways to keep yourself committed to getting fit. It helps you externalize your fitness—when you have an actual place you enjoy visiting, you feel like going back again and again.

If you're so busy that you're working straight through the hours most gyms are open, then try a 24-hour gym such as Anytime Fitness. If you're feeling restless, you can go do 2 a.m. squats anytime you want.

4. Sit less. Get up and get moving.

Americans spend more than half of their waking hours sitting, putting ourselves at increased risk for all sorts of health problems.

If you're tired of going home on Friday nights and icing your aching joints, there's a myriad of ways to get yourself more active at work:

  • Fidget, stroll, and just get up: A 2005 study found that even occasional physical movements—getting up to talk to a colleague, walking to the water cooler—could make a huge difference in the health of people who worked in offices.
  • Get a standing desk: You don't need to stand up all day to reap the benefits of one. Maybe you're more energetic in the mornings, so you sit, but turn lethargic in the afternoon, so you stand. Either way you'll be keeping yourself healthier.
  • Take a moving break: You know those one or two hours each afternoon when everyone in your office is staring at their computers? Go outside and walk around. Do some jumping jacks. While everyone else is busy digesting lunch you'll be getting primed for some afternoon productivity.

Finding the time, motivation, and energy to be fit is easier than you think. If you have someone to lean on and learn from during the journey, you're more likely to succeed at becoming a healthier, fitter you.

We know how tough it can be to juggle a business and your own health, but it's important to remember that your physical health and your entrepreneurial endeavors are directly dependent on each other. If one isn't working, the other won't either.

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