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E-Commerce Success: 4 Ways You Can Start Selling More Online Employ these strategies and increase your online revenues with ease.


The fundamental purpose of e-commerce is to sell stuff online. If your website doesn't reliably drive traffic and conversions, then your online business will fizzle.

Smart business owners will build their websites with the right tools and features that will set their e-commerce operation up for sustainable success. There are a number of moving parts involved in the process, but it doesn't have to be an insurmountable undertaking.

Here's a look at simple ways you can optimize your Squarespace website to sell more online.

1. Enhance your product listings.

You know you have great products. Make sure everyone else online knows that, too. Including beautiful, detailed product listings can help accomplish this.

Start off by writing detailed titles, descriptions, and tags. This can help increase your visibility in online searches and offers customers important information about your products.

When using a website builder like Squarespace, you can add and manage products with an easy-to-use interface that scales with you and gives you complete control over how products are arranged. Easily make your product pages more dynamic and engaging with embedded videos, images, related products, and more.

2. Have a smart sales strategy.

Smart entrepreneurs don't just build product pages and hope they catch on. They use analytics to understand how customers engage with their pages and make changes as necessary to optimize the sales funnel.

Squarespace offers a suite of powerful e-commerce analytics tools that allow business owners to follow a customer's entire journey on their site, from homepage to checkout. They can also help you identify sales trends and best-selling products, as well as under-performing products that could be put on sale to help move inventory.

3. Make checking out a breeze.

The last thing you want is for a customer to load up their online cart and then become so frustrated with a difficult check-out process that they leave your site and never come back. Your site needs a smooth, seamless check out that leaves a great impression with shoppers.

E-commerce sites built using Squarespace come with simple checkout options baked right in. Customers can browse, manage their cart, and pay without ever leaving your store. You can even customize the checkout experience by adding customer surveys or an option to share a gifting message. Attention to small details, even at check-out, can go a long way in creating repeat customers.

4. Don't forget to manage your inventory.

One mistake successful e-commerce companies avoid: A customer searches for and selects a product, navigates all the way to check out, and finds out the item is out of stock. It's frustrating and a waste of time. You can avoid this if you always have visibility into your inventory.

Luckily, Squarespace allows sites to manage inventory with an easy-to-use interface. Business owners can upload and edit an unlimited number of SKUs with multi-dimensional product variants (such as size and pattern). As sales are made, you can receive email alerts and display "Limited Availability" labels on your site when stock levels are low. This way, there are no last-minute surprises – for you or your customers.

Click here to start your free trial with Squarespace and create the perfect website for your business! When you're ready to subscribe, be sure to use the offer code "ENTREPRENEUR" to get 10% off your first purchase.