As a Brand Designer, I Was Living In a 'Design Utopia' — Until I Started My Own Product Company, and Reality Hit Owning my own spirits company gave me insights into the tough business decisions my clients had to make every day.
By David Palmer Edited by Frances Dodds
This story appears in the November 2024 issue of Entrepreneur. Subscribe »

I thought I understood my clients' needs. Then I started doing the same work as them — and realized how much I had to learn. It was humbling, but it also made me better at my job.
Back in 2001, I cofounded an agency called Love, which designs brands, packaging, communications campaigns, and experiences for the likes of Jim Beam, Johnnie Walker, and Guinness. Over the years, we've come up with a lot of ideas that never saw the light of day; we called them "urchins" — wily ideas without a home. So in 2020, we launched Urchin Spirits, with hopes of filling "fat niches" in the spirits market — or underserved segments with low barriers to entry, but significant growth potential.
But pretty quickly, we realized there were a lot of external factors affecting our clients' decisions that we'd never had to worry about as designers.
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