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Haggling 101 How to get what's coming to you

By Marc Diener

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Negotiation was my law school roommate's favorite sport.When it came to haggling, he was my first coach, and I recall wellthe first lesson he gave me: "Remember, Marc, you don'tneed it, you don't want it, you've already got one, andtheirs is broken!"

Here are four powerful tactics for getting a leg up when youfirst sit down to talk turkey:

  • Put on your best poker face. Ultimately, successfulnegotiation is about many things: preparation, perseverance,diplomacy and creativity, to name just a few. But when you open,it's mostly about one thing: attitude.

    He who appears to want the least gets the most. Shrewdnegotiators know that one of the biggest mistakes you can make atthe beginning of a deal is to seem too eager, overly enthusiasticor just plain desperate. You'll leave yourself wide open for asucker punch.

    Instead, look hesitant, indecisive or somewhat bored. Ifyou're not, pretend. This will lower your opponents'expectations, weaken their resolve and force them to considerconcessions they were hoping to avoid. You'll talk about priceand terms soon enough. But before you do, let a little reversepsychology bring the other side closer to the deal youreally want.

  • After you . . . Here's one of the all-time greatnegotiating maxims: "He who mentions the first numberloses." Just like any other all-time great negotiating maxim,this one's true...most of the time. You'll never know ifyou've made your best possible deal if you're the oneputting the first number into play. The buyer might have offeredmore, the seller might have taken less--if only you had let them gofirst. But here's the big secret: Keep your mouth shut andlisten for the other side's first figure. Often, it will be apleasant surprise.

    What's the exception to this rule? If both sides really knowwhat a deal is worth, the side making the first offer gains theupper hand by defining the negotiating range. This leads to ournext fundamental precept: "You don't ask, you don'tget."

  • Go high or go home. Regardless of who gives the firstnumber, start by asking for the best terms you can justify...with astraight face. There are four good reasons for this twisted littleritual. First, you can't expect to make a deal without makingconcessions. Start far away from your bottom line and you'llhave plenty to give. Second, your opponents need toparticipate in the outcome. Don't deny them a good game.Besides, no one likes a take-it-or-leave-it offer. Third, thehigher you set your goals, the better your chances of achievingthem. Finally, it's just the way of the world.

    Of course, this is really just one giant mixed message.Sometimes I wonder how it all got this way. Among members of theOhlone tribe (pre-European inhabitants of the San Francisco Bayarea), for example, haggling was considered rude. They emphasizedgenerosity and sharing, not profit. Low-ball offers only got you alousy reputation.

    I wish we did business more like the Ohlones, but we don't.Unless you really trust your opponent, don't start by layingyour cards on the table. It's a rookie move you'll probablyregret.

  • Flinch. Finally, there's an important corollary tothe "He who mentions the first number..." rule: Nevertake the other side's first offer.

    Be savvy. Your opponent may not ask for the moon, butthey'll probably ask for more than they expect you to give. Sofrown, glare, smirk, clam up or politely reject the first thing youhear. Chances are, they'll do better. And even if their firstoffer is unusually generous, flinch. You never know just howlow--or high--they'll really be willing to go.

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