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Best-Selling Author Tim Ferriss Doles Out Business Advice We asked our Twitter followers: What business conundrums are you facing? Then we sent them to the author of The 4-Hour Workweek.

This story appears in the May 2016 issue of Entrepreneur. Subscribe »

Jerod Harris / Stringer

If you've ever wished that you could get business advice from a bona fide expert, here's your chance. Entrepreneur asked Tim Ferriss, best-selling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, questions from our Twitter feed, direct from our readers. Here's what Ferriss had to say.

I'm in the service industry. It's crowded and I do the same thing as my competitors. How can I stand out?

T.F. The short answer is: Be different, not just better. Read The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, or study what's referred to as the "blue ocean" strategy. Create (or reinvent) a category you can dominate, rather than trying to be incrementally better in a crowded, preexisting category. If you do the same exact thing as your competitors, it's a race to the bottom on price. No one but the largest, best-funded company will win a price war.

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