5 Problems With Business Hotels (and How to Solve Them) Hotels that cater to business people would do well to pay heed to these common gripes.
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As big a fan as I am of today's business hotels--and I've said repeatedly in this space that they're the best part of traveling for work--I'm reminded almost every week that there is room for improvement.
Drawing on conversations with other road regulars and on my own experience, I've compiled a list of hotel gripes. All are easy enough to fix with minimal investment, training or policy changes. And unlike airlines, which are stuck in a financial box with a product that has become a commodity, most hotels seem to truly care what their customers want. Nevertheless, these same issues keep showing up at hotels across the country, from bargain brands to four- and five-star chains.
No bathtub.
Who are these focus-group participants telling hotel executives that business travelers don't take baths? Air travel is more physically taxing than ever, and after pulling a Rollaboard through an airport, packing and unpacking my computer bag at security, lifting my suitcase (stuffed to the limit so I don't need to check anything) to the baggage compartment and then on and off the rental car shuttle, I relish a hot soak. But walk-in showers, once found only in wheelchair-accessible rooms, are replacing bathtubs with each new round of renovations.
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