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Business News

7 Ways to Soften the 'No'

When combined, these techniques make your no sound (almost) as good a yes -- and you'll strengthen both your personal relationships with customers as well as your reputation as a company who cares.

Business News

3 Steps to Becoming a Better Decision Maker

Smart, rational decision-making isn't an innate gift; rather, it's an art, a process of weighing inputs such as data and risk on one hand and emotions like fear and uncertainty on the other

Business News

4 Surprising Predictors of Workplace Happiness

It is all about the details.

Business News

Why a Visual Is Worth a Thousand Words

Visuals, graphics and charts can concentrate and present information in a way that sticks.

Business News

Why It Is So Important to Finish What You Start

Here are some of the roadblocks that get in the way and advice on how to overcome them to complete and deliver on projects.

Business News

How to Master the Art of 'Just Start'

But getting started is about understanding and overcoming the obstacles -- be it mental, emotional, or physical -- that hold us back from diving right in.