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Business News

Williams-Sonoma: A retail odyssey in the modern market

Williams-Sonoma excels in retail by blending traditional business methods with advanced technology, including AI, to enhance competitiveness.

Business News

Google pivots: Unpacking the recent round of layoffs

Google's strategic restructuring, focusing on AI and cloud services, marks a significant step in reshaping its role in the technology sector.

Business News

Goodyear has a new captain at the helm

Mark Stewart, with his experience from Stellantis and Amazon, becomes Goodyear's new CEO to spearhead its innovative "Goodyear Forward" strategy.

Business News

Tesla's winter woes: A storm of challenges and disruption

Tesla is grappling with operational, strategic, and environmental challenges that impact its stock value and investor focus.

Business News

Apple's strategic pivot: Discounting the Chinese market

Apple adjusts its market strategy in China, offering rare discounts on iPhone 15 to tackle local competition and stimulate demand.

Business News

JetBlue-Spirit merger: US Judge hits the brakes

A judge blocked the JetBlue-Spirit merger, citing competition concerns impacting the airlines' plans, and signaling potential antitrust changes in the industry.