Touring and Tasting

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The Whole Package

Situated in the idyllic setting of Santa Ynez, CA, Bridlewood Estate Winery provides its' patrons with an entire wine tasting experience.

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A Charming Retreat

At the Camellia Inn experience top of the line service and award-winning wines.

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Simply Delicious

From the beautiful tasting room modeled after a real chateau to the uniquely exquisite wines, there is much to appreciate and get pleasure from at Chateau Julien.

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Where Modern Meets Traditional

At Clarbec Wines guests can sample, robust award winning wines that are almost entirely free of chemical applicants.

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A Gourmet Experience

Guests at Cliff Lede Vineyards can choose a variety of settings to taste the unique wines paired with gourmet cheeses and charcuterie.

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The History of Excellence

The downtown tasting room coupled with exquisite wines, give the Arroyo Robles Winery a quaint charm reminiscent of the Paso Robles' history.