Business Scams

Business Process

Fraud Alert! Watch Out for These 5 Sneaky Scams Targeting Small Businesses and How to Avoid Them

As a small business owner, you're at greater risk of scams due to limited resources. With 96% of US companies targeted yearly, staying sharp is vital to safeguarding your business and finances.

Science & Technology

A Scammer Tried to Come For My Small Business — and Yours Could Be Next. Here's How to Protect Yourself.

Like you, I work hard to ensure my company runs smoothly and maintains a good reputation. But that can vanish in an instant if cybercriminals attack, impacting your reputation and bottom line — and someone recently tried to scam my company. Here's what I learned about protecting my business.

Business News

Doctor's Office Receptionist Arrested for Allegedly Stealing $44,000 From Patients in Square Payment Scam

According to police, the receptionist stole from over 75 patients.

Money & Finance

Beware of Getting Scammed — Here's How to Safeguard Your Business Against Predatory Lending

Following a few financing best practices can help you avoid predatory lending schemes and protect your business from harm.

Business News

Stores Across the Country Hit With Wave of Bomb Threats From Scammers Demanding Bitcoin and Gift Cards

Law enforcement officials are investigating the recent threats.

Science & Technology

How to Combat Robocalls and Scammers With Anti-Call Technology

We're still far from eliminating scam calls, but we're adding new tools and standards. Only by adopting new technologies can call centers rebuild trust and confidence with the people they serve.

Business News

Massachusetts Father-Son Duo Slammed With Nearly 10-Year Prison Sentence for Perpetrating an 'Elaborate' $20 Million Lottery Scheme

The "ten-percenting" scam cost more than $6 million in federal tax loss and affects 40 licensed lottery sellers across the state.


Cybercriminals Aren't Just Attacking Your Software — They're Coming for Your Employees. Level Up Your Company's Cybersecurity With These 4 Steps.

The key to maximizing protection and minimizing exposure to these attacks is to combine technology with the human touch.

Business News

A Retired Teacher and Her Daughter Were Scammed Out of $200,000 Over Email: 'I'm 69 Years Old and Now I'm Broke and Homeless'

The mother-daughter duo was in the process of buying a townhouse when their email chain with the title company was hacked.

News and Trends

April Fool's Day 2022: 3 Tricksters Who Scammed Us

On April Fool's Day, we list out three individuals who use a different template while celebrating this day. They never say 'April Fools!' but then again, they don't need to. When a fraud of over thousands of crores is committed, eventually everyone does come to know, though by then these pranksters have left the country.

Data & Recovery

How to Avoid Scams in SEO

Not everyone working in the SEO industry holds themselves to high ethical standards. So what can you do to detect and avoid scams?

Business News

Happy Valentine's Day: The Pandemic Was a Boon for Online Romance Scams

Scammers pulled in $304 million from victims last year, a 50% increase from 2019, the FTC says.

Thought Leaders

I Was Ripped Off by Someone I Thought Was a Friend. Here's What I Learned.

If I had dug a little deeper, I would have seen the truth.