
Business News

10 Wellness Boosting Activities to Add to Your Calendar

Wellness is a mindset. It can mean different things to different people. For some, it could be going to the gym regularly. For others, it may be a spa date...

Business News

Dad Hacks: Realistic Work-Life Balance for Busy Dudes

Being a dad is awesome. But it’s also a demanding gig. After all, you wear many hats, including provider, partner, coach, and chief tickle monster. However, between work deadlines and...

Business News

How Your Calendar Can Help You Explore New Cuisine

Sometimes, you eat because you’re hungry. Other times, you eat to enjoy yourself truly. If you’re a big foodie, more often than not, you probably identify more closely with the...

Business News

12 Must-Have Group Scheduling Apps for 2024

Are you overwhelmed by juggling appointments and endless back-and-forth emails to find a time for a meeting? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Scheduling can be a huge headache for individuals...

Business News

How to Schedule Time for Family this Summer

While summer can be full of lots of fun, managing all those fun activities can be a headache. So, make your summer the best by scheduling the rest of it...

Business News

7 Events to Look Forward to This Summer

If summer makes you giddy for time off and vacation, you’re in luck! It’s here. Something about the summer can make even the most focused adults feel like a kid...

Business News

Beach Reads for Busy Bees: Dive into These 12 Productivity Books This Summer

There is nothing better than relaxing during the summer. However, recharging your productivity batteries can also be a great opportunity. There’s a productivity book out there for everyone, whether you...

Business News

5 Items to Check Off Your To-Do List Before Traveling

No matter the reason for travel or the length of a trip, the weeks leading up to vacation are usually stressful. This is bound to happen because there’s so much...

Business News

3 Tips for Scheduling Private Events When You Publicly Share Your Calendar

With a shared calendar, your team is on the same page regarding approaching deadlines, upcoming client meetings, and other deliverables. In today’s hectic world, it can be all too easy...

Business News

6 Tips for Managing Schedules When Living With Your Significant Other

Moving in with your significant other can be an incredibly rewarding “next step” in any relationship. You get to wake up side-by-side with the (hopefully) love of your life and...

Business News

Seize the Day! 50 Unforgettable Summer Activities

With summer just around the corner, it’s time to escape the routine, immerse yourself in the great outdoors, soak up some sun, and make memories that will last a lifetime....

Business News

How to View Microsoft Calendar and Google Calendar in the Same Place

Keeping track of appointments across multiple platforms can be a nightmare. Between work schedules, social engagements, and personal commitments, keeping track of everything can be nearly impossible. The struggle is...

Business News

Carpe Diem: 4 Strategies to Seize the Day With Your Calendar

The traditional saying “seize the day” has origins that date back more than 2,000 years. It’s one of the oldest philosophical mottos that many people still live by today. The...

Business News

​​6 Tips to Help You Say Goodbye to Feeling Overwhelmed

When you have a lot going on, it’s easy to feel unsettled. You frantically try to complete tasks in what can only be described as a whack-a-mole approach. The most...

Business News

Honoring Heroes: The Ultimate Memorial Day Checklist

Memorial Day, observed on the last Monday in May, is much more than a simple day off from work or school. Instead, it is a day of remembrance for those...