Connections: Page 7


8 Ways to Use Emotional Intelligence and Make Lasting Connections

It's time to stop tinkering with the iPhone and start tapping into your emotional abilities.

Social Media

8 Subject-Line Secrets That Entice People to Read Your Email

The only part of an email certain to be read is the subject line. If that's boring, few will read what follows no matter how brilliant it is.


3 Ways to Become a More Effective Learner

Fundamental principles to learn by.

Business News

Don't Mistake Lack of Response for Lack of Respect

The flipside of having so much contact with people through email and social media is that we feel more offended when we don't get a response.


6 Smart Techniques to Connect With Influential People

Want to make the connection to influential people outside your immediate social circles? Follow these tips.


4 Ways to Always Leave Networking Events With an Appointment

Networking can be enjoyable but that's not why anybody does it. Have a plan for meeting the people you can help, and vice versa.

Social Media

You Can No Longer Immediately Export Your Contacts From LinkedIn

The website removed the tool to instantly download connections to an offline file.


Become a Networking Beast by Following This 5-Step Plan

Networking is a major part of being a successful entrepreneur, so it's in your best interest to get good at it -- really, really good at it.


4 Habits of a Super-Connector

Being a top-notch networker is a tough job, but it's worth the effort. Here are some tips to follow.


5 Ways to Connect and Network With Other Entrepreneurs

There's no better way to spark your creativity and renew your passions than forming and speaking with new people.

Thought Leaders

Read Sheryl Sandberg's Poignant Facebook Post on Losing Her Husband

Facebook's COO shares what she's learned about mourning, grieving and human connection since her husband passed away 30 days ago.


Want to Be Truly Valued? Create Opportunities by Connecting People.

Opportunity makers earn unbreakable trust by adding value, are adept at spotting patterns and constantly explore industries outside their own.


8 Tips to Be an Awesome Networker at Conferences

Follow this advice to come away with new business connections after an event.


5 Steps to Seriously Improve Your Networking Skills

In a world of take take take, showing that you care about someone as a friend puts you in a whole different category with your connections.


Do These 3 Things to Make Connections That Matter

Foolproof tips to form strong, successful business relationships -- easily and quickly.