coping strategies


How to Cope With Career Baggage and Heal Emotional Scars From Past Jobs

Here's how professional scar tissue can show up in new roles — and a few tips for managing it effectively.

Life Hacks

Navigate Uncertain Times With This Full-Proof Coping Mechanism

We're in uncertain times, which means it's necessary to separate what's in our control from what's not — letting the uncontrollable unfold without judgment or exertion on our part.

Operations & Logistics

The Pandemic Has Taught Us All The Importance of Putting One Foot In Front of the Other

Walking provides something everyone needs right now: the chance to get out of our heads.

Thought Leaders

6 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Make Their Lives Easier and Avoid Burnout

You know the co-worker who is always complaining? Don't go to lunch with her.

Health & Wellness

4 Strategies to Survive the Entrepreneurial Roller Coaster

Take control by choosing how you'll cope with stress, reset your focus and avoid burnout so you can achieve your long-term goals.

Business News

How to Reset a Bad Work Day

Five tips on how to come out on top when you're having a bad work day.

Social Media

Leaning in to Social Unrest in the Workplace

It's happening, so let your employees talk about it.

Thought Leaders

8 Fireproof Tips for Avoiding Business Burnout

Love what you do, and do it the best you can. But know when to take a break.

Making a Change

11 Rebellious and Fun Songs For When You Hate Your Job

If you can't afford to take that job and shove it, shake it off with a battle cry that really sticks it to the man.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

5 Things Parents Worry Will Cost Them Their Jobs

From schlepping your kid to the doctor, to staying home on sick duty, these are the mama and papa dramas that keep us off the clock.


How to Deal With Office Politics

Does someone go out of their way to make your life hell? Here's how to deal with them

Health & Wellness

7 Lessons From NASCAR That Helped Me Quit Worrying and Love Stress

Even for people who don't watch auto racing, like me, I find this analogy useful to think about during stressful times.


What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

If life knocks you down seven times, make sure you get up eight.

Thought Leaders

The 3-Step Process for Countering Negativity: Act -- Think -- Feel

Business owners face stressful decisions all the time. Here's how to perform under pressure.

Thought Leaders

3 Ways Psychotherapy Can Make An Entrepreneur Limitless

Therapy allows entrepreneurs insight into what does not work and the tools to make the necessary changes.