
Science & Technology

Deepfakes Are on the Rise — Will They Change How Businesses Verify Their Users?

Are the latest tech developments turning criminals into invisible ghosts? Let's explore the world of highly sophisticated threats and see if AI detectives have what it takes to catch their AI-powered adversaries.


El actor Bruce Willis desmiente haber vendido su imagen a una empresa de deepfakes

Aunque un deepfake del actor aparece en un comercial producido por la empresa, jamás ha tenido un trato director con ella.


Así es el spot publicitario que revivió al Chavo del Ocho con un deepfake

El misterio ha sido develado: el deepfake del emblemático personaje fue producido como parte de una campaña publicitaria para un servicio de televisión de paga.


This is the advertising spot that brogught back "Chavo del Ocho" with a deepfake

The mystery has been revealed: the deepfake of the emblematic TV character is part of an advertising campaign for a paid television brand.


ტექნოლოგიური მანიპულაციები Deepfake-ისა და ხელოვნური ინტელექტის გამოყენებით

იყო თუ არა პუტინის ვიდეო ტექნოლოგიური მანიპულაცია?