

Why Leaders Who Can Properly Delegate Will Avoid This Suffocating Business Trap

The infamous "Founder's Trap" — where founders or leads end up taking on too much — can stagnate any company's growth. Learn how to avoid it by delegating.

Growing a Business

If You Want Your Business to Last, Slow Down — 3 Ways To Prepare Your Company For The Long Haul

With persistence and luck, and by following these three strategies, your business can stay in the 25% of businesses that make it to 15 years in operation.


How to Delegate Effectively Without Ruining Your Team

If you, as a business owner, are constantly juggling every ball in the company, how on earth do you have any hands left to plan, strategize and move your business forward?


10 Successful Entrepreneurs on Why Delegating Effectively Is Difficult But Necessary

Delegating tasks and responsibilities as a leader is crucial to strengthening the trust and confidence of your coworkers. Here's how 10 leaders do so effectively.


Why Your Employees Want You to Delegate

Learning to delegate like a champ can make your business healthier.


Even Steve Jobs Knew When to Let Go of Tasks -- Now It's Your Turn

Holding tight to the belief you can manage it all? Expect a whirlwind of diminishing returns.


4 Tasks Successful Leaders Should Delegate

As a business owner, you can't possibly do everything -- and you need to not only accept that fact but embrace it.


30 Percent of Employees Feel Indispensable. That's a Bad Thing.

When you bring in automation, tell employees that just because they're no longer indispensable doesn't mean they're not still valued.


The 3 Tasks All Entrepreneurs Must Give Up Immediately

Learning how to delegate is the only, repeat 'only,' way to scale your business.


5 Steps to More Smoothly Delegate Decision-Making

Delegating decision-making authority is a tricky business. Make sure you do it right.


5 Ways to Build Your Business Instead of Being Trapped By All Those Freakin' Distractions

It's time that you planned a 'personal business retreat,' though we're not talking jet skis or volleyball.


Book Review: The Gift Of Time By Gail Thomas

Author Gail Thomas aims to show you how one key item can both give you back valuable time to pursue new paths to grow your business, and to make your staff grow and expand in their roles


Why Some CEOs and Entrepreneurs Make Horrible Leaders

Their confidence inspires them to take risks. But if these executives don't learn to properly interact with the teams that support them, they will fail.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Glide Over the Pitfalls of Becoming a Manager With These 5 Steps

Here's your cheat sheet for how to become the effective supervisor in charge.