Darian Shimy

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Darian Shimy is the founder and CEO of FutureFund Technology, a fundraising and selling platform for K-12 school groups. He has 25+ years in web-based technologies and managing engineering teams.

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Growing a Business

5 Lessons Nonprofit Leaders Can Learn from Big Tech

Nonprofits can do more good by adopting a few key lessons from tech companies — like focusing on efficiency and using data for strategic decision-making.

Growing a Business

Stop Chasing These Vanity Metrics if You Want to Succeed

Don't chase after superficial metrics; instead, concentrate on what is truly important.


Por qué los líderes que pueden delegar adecuadamente no caen en esta asfixiante trampa

La infame "Trampa del Fundador", en la que los líderes terminan asumiendo demasiadas responsabilidades, puede estancar el crecimiento de cualquier empresa. Aprende a evitarla delegando.


Why Leaders Who Can Properly Delegate Will Avoid This Suffocating Business Trap

The infamous "Founder's Trap" — where founders or leads end up taking on too much — can stagnate any company's growth. Learn how to avoid it by delegating.


Esta es la razón por la que es bueno dejar que las personas fracasen ahora para que puedan tener éxito más tarde

Permitir que las personas fracasen les ayuda a pensar críticamente y tomar sus propias decisiones.


Why You Have to Let People Fail Now So They Can Succeed Later

Letting people fail helps them think critically and make their own decisions.

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