Darian Shimy

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Darian Shimy is the founder and CEO of FutureFund Technology, a fundraising and selling platform for K-12 school groups. He has 25+ years in web-based technologies and managing engineering teams.

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8 Things I've Learned From Running a Fully Remote Company

Leading fully remote teams requires unique strategies, including fostering trust, supporting effective communication, and maintaining personal connections.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Stop Trying to Manage Employees Without Understanding Them — How to Build Relationships for Leadership Success

You can't effectively manage people if you don't understand them. Here's how to build better working relationships with team members.

Recursos Humanos

Estos son los 3 mayores errores que puedes cometer al contratar

He contratado a innumerables personas para trabajar conmigo, pero no siempre ha salido bien. Aquí están los tres mayores errores al contratar y cómo evitarlos.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

The 3 Biggest Hiring Mistakes You Can Make

I've hired countless people to work for me, but it doesn't always work out. Here are the three biggest hiring mistakes and how to avoid them.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

I've Interviewed Over 2000 Candidates — Here Are the 2 Questions I've Asked the Best Hires

I've learned that there are only two questions that really matter when hiring.


Los mejores comunicadores siguen estas 3 reglas al hablar con figuras de autoridad

Aquí te decimos cómo convertir un error de comunicación en un modelos de comunicación poderoso. Cuando tienes claro el tipo de comunicación que necesitas, es más fácil para las personas decir las cosas correctas y tomar las medidas adecuadas.

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