Cynthia Kay
Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
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5 errores críticos que debes evitar al hacer una presentación
¿Estás cansado de soportar presentaciones aburridas? A lo largo de los años, he recopilado una lista de errores comunes en las presentaciones y cómo evitarlos. Aquí están mis cinco mejores consejos.
5 Critical Mistakes to Avoid When Giving a Presentation
Are you tired of enduring dull presentations? Over the years, I have compiled a list of common presentation mistakes and how to avoid them. Here are my top five tips.
I've Spent 37 Years in Business — Here's How I Beat the Odds and Stayed Ahead
For over thirty years, I have led a successful media production and communication consulting company. Only 25% of new businesses survive for 15 years or more, so I have beat the odds. But having staying power is not a matter of luck.
How You Can Beat Entrepreneurial Loneliness by Joining the Right Business Network
Joining the right business network can combat the loneliness of entrepreneurship by fostering valuable connections and providing essential support.
Is It Time to Let Go of Your Business? How to Adapt When Your Product Stagnates
Don't wait until your product reaches end of life — stay competitive by developing new offerings or adapting current ones.
Get Picky With Your Clients — How to Identify and Attract Your Ideal Customer
As a start-up or even an established business facing tough times, it is hard to be picky about customers. But with a little effort and thoughtful planning, you can attract more ideal customers and spend less time doing work that does not align with your business goals.
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