
Growing a Business

How to Master the Art of Diplomacy in Client and Team Communications

Diplomacy is the name of the game — here's how you can master it.


3 Ways Leaders Can Develop Their Diplomacy Skills to Motivate Their Workforce and Drive Productivity

Diplomacy creates a culture where people can work well together, even in stressful environments. By doing this, leaders encourage better teamwork, engagement and productivity.

News and Trends

The Man Who Predicted 2014 Indian Election Reveals Who Will Take The Throne In 2019

He is also the same man who predicted results of 2016 United States polls and recently held Punjab and Uttar Pradesh elections


10 Science-Backed Strategies Used by Corporate Leaders to Gain Easy-Wins

The art of persuasion can help anyone seal deals and climb status ladders faster

Business News

The Challenges of Doing Business in Cuba

Relations are thawing, but entrepreneurs should tread carefully.

Thought Leaders

What It Will Take for Kuwait to Find Its Entrepreneurial Groove

The State Department sent Jason Saltzman to the heart of the Middle East. What he found, in this documentary, was that entrepreneurship can change attitudes.


How to Politely Leave a Conversation

Networking is all about meeting those fabulous people who can catapult your business to the next level. But what do you do when you're trapped by a windbag?


The One Word Leaders Should Stop Using

A corporate consultant warns about the disastrous effects of overuse of a very common qualifier.