Chris Kille

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Chris Kille in Boston, MA, innovates in business efficiency, focusing on Virtual Assistant services and Payment Processing tech. He identifies growth opportunities and streamlines operations to enhance profitability. Chris values networking for success and fosters partnerships for speedy growth.

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Want to Reclaim Your Time and Multiply Your Impact as a Leader? Stop Doing These 5 Things.

Work smarter, not harder, so you can spend your time on what truly matters.


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It's Time to Ditch Traditional Job Descriptions. Here's Why — and What Businesses Need to Do Differently.

Why traditional job structures don't work anymore and how businesses and workers can thrive by embracing modular, project-based systems that better align with our fast-changing world.


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Los grandes líderes triunfan al pensar como antropólogos: son curiosos, observadores y enfocados en comprender por qué las personas hacen lo que hacen.


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Great leaders thrive by thinking like anthropologists — curious, observant and focused on understanding why people do what they do.

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