

El uso de un emoji le costó a este granjero $61,000 dólares después de que una juez lo tomó como la confirmación de un contrato

Los emojis son un elemento muy presente en nuestra comunicación escrita y vale la pena pensar en lo que significan antes de utilizarlos.


5 Reasons Why You Need to Make Emojis Part of Your Marketing Strategy

Don't scoff at emojis — you'll be surprised by how much they drive your brand's customer engagement. Here are 5 ways you can start integrating the icon into your marketing strategy.


Próximamente WhatsApp te permitirá usar avatares 3-D durante las videollamadas

La aplicación de mensajería instantánea de Meta trabaja ya en el desarrollo de los nuevos avatares personalizables para hacer videollamadas.


¡Al fin! WhatsApp permitirá que los usuarios reaccionen a los mensajes con emojis

No te emociones demasiado. La funcionalidad estará disponible por ahora solo para algunos usuarios y en la plataforma Android.

Social Media

Finally! WhatsApp will allow users to react to messages with emojis

Don't get too excited. The functionality will be available for now only for some users and on the Android platform.

Social Media

Car Vending Machines and New Emojis! 3 Things to Know Today.

Stay in the know in 60 seconds.


Next Time You Want to :) a Customer, Think Twice

Messaging etiquette is crucial for customer service these days. Here's how to not screw it up.


5 Etiquette Rules for Using Emojis at Work

Emojis, once solely symbols of teen angst or exuberance, are a hieroglyphic adults can use, albeit gingerly, in professional communications.


Why the Rich and Famous are on Fire for Emojis, and Why Brands Should Care

It's all about the cash and cachet. Stephen Curry, Justin Bieber and Blac Chyna are the latest stars to keep up with the Kardashians in the keyboard invasion game.

Social Media

You 'Heart' Me, You Really 'Heart' Me! Those New Social Media Reaction Buttons and Emojis.

Do all the new symbols mean we're seeking ways to express our humanity?