Finances: Page 3

Starting a Business

How to Price Your Services as a Virtual Assistant or Social Media Manager

Just starting as a virtual assistant or social media manager? Here's your go-to guide for how to price your online service for maximum authority, leads, and profit.

Buying / Investing in Business

What Your Parents Never Taught You About Money

Money is a number one cause of stress, but financial literacy is still one of the few things that we fail to teach our kids.

Money & Finance

Get Ready for a Talent Migration From Banks to Fintech

Here's what that means for the already flourishing fintech ecosystem.

Money & Finance

7 Steps to Becoming More Effective at Business Finance

Join us for this free webinar to find out how you can advance your career and the role of the financial teams within your business.

Money & Finance

How Can We Improve Through Financial Education

Financial literacy is the basis of financial well-being.

Money & Finance

Regulation A+: The Entrepreneur-Friendly Way to Secure Capital

Reg A+ stands as an extremely attractive option because it enables a company to raise capital from both accredited and non-accredited investors.


3 Reasons Employers Should Focus on Employee Financial Well-being

Why should employers care about helping their employees to understand their finances?

Business News

The Pandemic Induced Higher Divorce Rates. Here's What it Can Do to Your Finances

Divorces increased do to the pandemic. If you're headed for a major uncoupling, it's to your advantage to know the implications it could have on your...

Business News

Steps to Take if You're Approaching Retirement Age But Haven't Saved Enough for Retirement

Panicking a little (no, a lot!) because you haven't saved much for retirement? Follow these steps to get to hit a comfy retirement savings goal.

Science & Technology

Discover Why the Sunsetting of QuickBooks Is Moving Businesses to Cloud-Based Services

Speed up your bookkeeping practices while reducing errors and manual tasks.

Growing a Business

Learn the Real-World Applications of Discrete and Financial Math

This guide can help you grow your business.

Business News

2021: Make it Your (Mid) Year of Financial Freedom

What does financial freedom mean to you? Does it mean that instead of getting bogged down by a paycheck-to-paycheck existence, you'd pay your bills early? What if you had substantial equity in your home?

Business News

Young People Don't Feel They'll Have a Better Life Than Their Parents — Here's Why

A report from the 'Financial Times' details the concerns that young people, especially millennials, have regarding their futures.

Thought Leaders

A Guide to the Top Three Financial Reports for Small Businesses

Understanding these reports are key to understanding your business's financial numbers.

Money & Finance

Work Toward a CFA Certification and Help Your Business Financially

Learn financial skills any entrepreneur should know.