How Being a More Generous Leader Drove My Company's Success
There is no time like the present to think more about others than oneself. Give generously in all you do: your time, energy, enthusiasm, caring and financial impact. Your company, clients, community and team will thank you.
A 40-Year Veteran of the Entertainment and Events Industries Shares 3 Pillars of Success
President and CEO of Empire Entertainment and Emmy Award-winning executive producer J. B. Miller on the key concepts that have sustained both his personal and professional growth.
'People Can't Do Good Unless They See Good': This D.C. Ice Cream Shop Owner's Generosity Started a Chain of Giving
Charles Foreman makes sure everyone who wants ice cream, gets it — even if they can't pay. Now, his kindness has had a domino effect.
Why Kindness Is A Crucial Quality For Leaders
Ninety percent of U.S. workers say empathetic leadership leads to higher job satisfaction, and 79 percent agree it decreases employee turnover. Kindness and empathy are key to employee engagement.
The One Principle That Can Help You Transform Your Organization
Creating a culture of generosity comes down to helping your team thrive. Here are three ways for bringing more kindness to work.
The Winning E.D.G.E. of Entrepreneurs
When entrepreneurs are aligned in body, beliefs and business they experience life at a higher level.
4 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Support Their Customers and Community in Testing Times
As we fight a universal calamity, let's use our platforms for generosity however we can.
5 Entrepreneurs On How They Pay It Forward
From sharing expertise, to investing in community projects and giving referrals, here's how you can make a difference.
3 Ways to Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Entrepreneurial Path
Find focus as you grow.
How You Can Get Ahead in Business in Just 5 Minutes
In today's world, giving to others gets results. Author Adam Grant explains his strategy for helping others -- on your own terms.
The Joy of Now
Among the fruits of success is the freedom to live one's highest values without fear or constraint.
10 Simple Daily Practices That Will Make You Happier
Happy people don't live drastically different lives. They just appreciate all there is to be happy about.
Even the Smallest Acts of Generosity Make You Happier, New Study Reveals
It doesn't matter how big or small your acts of generosity are, they result in a warm glow in parts of your brain.
4 Ways Leaders Can Get More by Giving More
Helping others achieve their goals is one of the best ways to ensure your own success. Start by saying 'yes' and 'thank you' more often.