Science & Technology

Why I'm Not Falling For Those Streaming Bundle 'Deals' — And You Shouldn't Either.

The highest-profile streaming services are being bundled together like the days of cable — but here's why I'm not falling for it.

Business News

'This is Ridiculous': Max Customers Slam CAPTCHA Login as 'Worst Human Test of All Time'

HBO Max became Max on May 23rd as part of a newly fused streaming service with Discovery+.


HBO Max será relanzado como 'Max' el 23 de mayo con una combinación de contenido de Discovery y HBO

El servicio ofrecerá una nueva opción de suscripción y programación para todas las edades.

Business News

HBO Max to Relaunch as 'Max' on May 23 With Combination of Content from Discovery and HBO

The service will offer a new subscription tier and programming for all age ranges.

Business News

Warner Bros. Inflated HBO Max Subscriber Numbers Ahead of Discovery Merger, Lawsuit Alleges

Hundreds of thousands of people could be eligible to join the class-action suit.


Jeff Bezos agradece a los creadores de "El Señor de los Anillos: Los Anillos del Poder" por ignorarlo en el momento correcto

El fundador de Amazon estuvo en la presentación de la serie basada en la obra de J.R.R. Tolkien y que es ya la más cara de la historia.

Business News

'The Single Dumbest Decision Made By Any Corporation': HBO Max to Remove Dozens of Shows Starting This Week

Warner Bros. Discovery has laid off roughly 14% of HBO and HBO Max staff following a mass restructuring that was announced during the company's Q2 earnings call.

Business News

'Father of the Bride' Broke HBO Max's Streaming-Only Record. Here's Why.

The streamer launched in Latin America last year.


La plataforma de streaming CNN+ cierra un par de semanas después de haber sido lanzada

La fusión entre WarnerMedia y Discovery le pone fin al proyecto. Sus contenidos podrían pasar a ser parte de alguna plataforma de streaming ya existente.

Business News

The CNN+ streaming platform closes a couple of weeks after being launched

The merger between WarnerMedia and Discovery ends the project. Your content could become part of an existing streaming platform.

Business News

'Friends' Cast Could Rake in Nearly $20 Million for Reunion Special: Reports

HBO Max announced last week that the long-rumored 'Friends' reunion was officially happening and is set to air later this month on May 27.

Business News

9 HBO Max Tips Every Streamer Should Know

Whether you're a new subscriber or made the switch from HBO Now to HBO Max, there are several features to check out before the binge-watching begins.