Human touch

Growing a Business

Let's Bring Back the Human Element to Paying Bills — Here's 3 Ways to Nurture Vendor Relationships for Business Success

In a small business's accounts payable process, the human touch is essential. Building trust through personal interactions with vendors is key, guaranteeing a dependable supply chain and effective collaboration. How can businesses improve these connections? Here are three approaches for improvement.

Women Entrepreneur®

Creating Community: How Jordan-Based We Love Reading Fosters A Love For Reading In Children

In an age when digital platforms seem to have taken precedence over any other means of communication, We Love Reading tries to create an innate love for reading through tangible, human connection.


10 Ways to Wash Corporate Stink Off Your Cool Brand

Are there real people with real feelings behind your marketing campaign? Then show it!

Starting a Business

How to win the distribution network game

Make sure your product is visible to the customers exactly when they need it