Income Inequality


How Entrepreneurs Can Navigate Change By Creating an Ecosystem of Resilience

Organizational resilience and effective change management thrive on interdependence and clear communication, akin to a rainforest ecosystem.

Business News

Life Expectancy Is Decreasing Across the U.S., But These 3 Areas Are Well Below the National Average

A new report found that America is experiencing the greatest gap in life expectancy in nearly 40 years.

Money & Finance

The Dark Side of Pay Transparency — And What to Do If You Find Out You're Being Underpaid

There are many reasons employers and workers advocate for pay transparency — it can build trust, lead to fair compensation for historically underpaid individuals and eliminate the stigma surrounding money talk. But as the practice becomes normalized, honesty can backfire.


Studies Suggest It's Good Business to Hire Women Over Men. Here's Why.

It is clear that the "glass ceiling" exists, and women face discrimination that hinders their advancement compared to men, despite having similar qualifications, skills and experience. However, employing women over men may be the key to success for your business, according to a wealth of scientific research.

Growing a Business

Thousands Of Women Haven't Rejoined The Workforce. Here's How To Get Them Back.

The pandemic caused hordes of women to leave the workforce due to family responsibilities. Many aren't returning. Here's what companies can do to pave the way for their return.

Business News

This tiktoker asks people on the street how much they earn and is becoming a sensation

The questions are part of a project that seeks to raise awareness around the pay gap.

Thought Leaders

5 Ways Women Can Fight the Gender Pay Gap (Besides Asking for More Money)

The gender pay gap isn't going away by itself, so here's what we can do to eliminate it.

Money & Finance

The Decentralization of Monopolized Marketplaces - How Technology Will Succeed Where Politics is Failing

The blockchain will decentralize established economic structures and return profits and power to the people.

Business News

You're Less Likely to Be Happy Once You Start Making More Than This Amount, Studies Say

Money doesn't make you a more generous person or buy more happiness, according to researchers.

Science & Technology

How Financial Technology Can Help Move Us Closer to Wealth Equality

Decentralized finance could help decrease wealth inequality around the globe.

Science & Technology

How Artificial Intelligence Will Shape Our Future

We'll witness the creation of industries that are unimaginable now. Here's what you need to know.


Rise of The Robotics in Jobs

According to a new report, over 20 million jobs will be taken over by robots by 2030

Thought Leaders

'Not There Yet': A New Study Shows That We Still Have Work to Close the Gender Pay Gap.

What are you doing to address pay equity in your own workplace?


Debunking the Myths of Racial Equity: What Entrepreneurs Need to Know

A culture of belonging in the company is nice but what matters is guaranteeing parity in income and equity for Black, Latinx and women team members.

News and Trends

How Japanese Look At the Rising Trend of Automation

Growing reliance on robots and computers will lead to joblessness and income inequality, finds the survey