Inventing: Page 9

Starting a Business

New Regulations Impact Toy Makers

Congress is cracking down after the China toy recall. Here's what you need to know about the latest regulatory standards.

Starting a Business

Is Your Business Idea Protected?

Don't let intellectual property theft and business sabotage steal your great idea.

Starting a Business

Harness the Power of a Trademark

Learn the difference between a patent, trademark, and copyright and how to avoid big mistakes when setting them up.

Starting a Business

Do Rising Costs Point to Domestic Manufacturing?

Don't assume your next invention will be produced overseas. Several factors make the U.S. a prime place for production.

Starting a Business

How to Search for Existing Patents

Before you spend a lot of time an energy creating the next big thing, use a patent search to make sure it hasn't already been done.

Starting a Business

How Patent Law Changes Could Hurt Small Inventors

A new bill currently being considered in the House brings changes that no longer look out for the little guy.

Starting a Business

Putting Time Into Your Product

From inventor to overnight millionaire? Not exactly. Here's the long-term solution to developing a product effectively.

Starting a Business

Starting From Scratch

Here's what you need to know before you launch your big-time food product.

Starting a Business

How to 'Invent' Your Book

Take your blank page to national bookshelves.

Starting a Business

Patent Legalese

Find the right person to protect your idea.


How To Market A New Product

Start small and create a timeline for taking your product to national distribution.

Starting a Business

Researching the Inventions Market

Want to know if your new product will be a hit? Start your research today.

Starting a Business

Taking Your Invention to a Trade Show

Gain awareness for your new product with this guide to planning for a trade show.

Starting a Business

4 Hot Inventing Trends

What's changed in the world of inventions? It's not just the technology--it's the inventors themselves.

Starting a Business

Demystifying Profit Margins and Markups

Wanna get your product on retailers' shelves? The key is knowing how to price your product.