Job Interview: Page 4
Requiem for a Mentor
"Are you the sort of person who will wear good shoes?" he asked during the job interview. There would be many such riddles to answer.
10 Ways to Overcome Your Interview Fears
Upgrade how you prepare for an interview to elevate your confidence.
Never Go to a Job Interview Unprepared for This One Question
It's almost inevitable that you'll be asked, "Any questions?" That's your chance to show you've done your homework.
#5 Tips to Nail a Job Interview
Every bullet on your resume is a part of the life that you lived. Be prepared with considerable degree of details to respond to every point on your resume.
5 Things You Need For A Successful Second Interview
You've got your foot in the door, so here's how to nail the next step.
Top #5 Challenges Faced by Candidates During Interviews
Relevant interview preparation can provide guidance on how to proceed to mould and shape your career
Break These 7 Rules to Nail Your Next Job Interview
The more honest you are, the less likely you are to get a job you don't really want.
How to Stand Out During a Job Interview
Have you made sure your resume is scannable and sent a thank you note? Such actions make you stand out.
3 Important Tactics for Job Interviews
These strategies will help you ace your next interview.
3 Pitfalls Recruiters Must Avoid in Job Interviews
HR people need to sharpen their questions and open up the conversation to get the best talent and the right fit.
Don't Feel Bad, Eric Schmidt Can't Answer Google's Crazy Interview Questions Either
A riddle stumped the Alphabet executive chairman at a recent conference.
11 Interview Questions That Trip Everyone Up
Prepare but don't over think the interview. Be honest, clear, concise and always a professional.
Psychometric Assessments: Is Ravana Cultural Fit For Your Organization?
Imagine how easy it must be for the hiring manager to have a candidate of Ravana's calibre served and seasoned on a platter for hire.
How To Create An Awesome Job Description
These are few important check lists which makes a job description fully informative.
4 Ways to Have an Edge When Competing for a Startup Job
Getting a job, any job, is not an easy task, but preparing for the interview isn't a mystery. Master these aspects to get into the next round.