Thought Leaders

Do You Perpetuate Harm Against Your LGBTQIA+ Employees — and Sabotage Your Organization's Success in the Process?

Creating a truly inclusive and supportive workplace for LGBTQIA+ employees requires leaders to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and healing, leading to innovation and financial sustainability on an organizational level.

Growing a Business

The First Openly LGBTQ+ Person to Conquer the 7 Summits Reveals How 5 Lessons Learned on His Climbs Helped Him Grow a Business to $5 Million in Sales

Cason Crane, founder of Explorer Cold Brew, has a strong sense of adventure that guides him in business and life.


How to Be an Ally to the LGBTQ+ Community During Pride Month and Beyond

Recent actions from Bud Light and Target have created more polarization on diversity issues in the workplace. Pride Month is a special time to celebrate with the LGBTQ+ community.

Growing a Business

Mr. Bake Kareem Queeman on Telling Your Product Story

Interview with Kareem Queeman, founder of Mr. Bake Sweets, about being a voice for the LBGTQ+ community, building a product story, and leaning into your power.


6 Ways to Support LGBTQIA+ Employees' Mental Health as a Business Leader

Mental health is an essential issue for all employees. Still, it can be especially challenging for members of the LGBTQIA+ community to get their mental health needs met, especially as they are often targeted by violence and discrimination.


Forget Pride Month. Here's When You Should Actually Be Marketing to LGBTQ Consumers.

Rising censorship efforts and pride month saturation are hurting the queer economy. How brands behave now can help win market share for years to come.


The Power of Pronouns: 6 Best Practices for the Workplace

Pride month may be over, but the struggles that members of the LGBTQIA+ community face at home and work are still a 365-day issue.


5 Ways Your Company Can Support the LGBTQ+ Community All Year Long

Every year during Pride Month, companies come out of the woodwork to sell rainbow-themed merch, change their logos and wave their Pride flags, but fail to take actionable steps that actually uplift and support queer people. Here's how your company can create a real impact in the community and be an ally 12 months of the year.


Así es la campaña de Lego para celebrar el mes del Orgullo Gay

La marca les pide a los miembros de la comunidad que se expresen utilizando los y legendarios bloques de construcción.


La campaña de Mercado Libre que cambia las expresiones homofóbicas en redes sociales por palabras de amor

El gigante del e-commerce busca fomentar la inclusión desde hace años; su más reciente estrategia es simplemente genial.

Thought Leaders

3 LGBTQ Entrepreneurs Share How Being Out and Proud Fuels Their Business

The courage that comes with being queer is also an important ingredient in entrepreneurship.

Thought Leaders

Why Every LGBTQ Person Should Learn This Skill

Queer people need tools to take their careers into their own hands if they so choose.

Iniciar un negocio

Por qué toda persona LGBTQ debería aprender esta habilidad

Las personas queer necesitan herramientas para tomar sus propias carreras en sus propias manos si así lo desean.


Empleados LGBTQ de Pixar acusan a Disney de censurar las muestras de afecto entre personas del mismo sexo

La respuesta de la empresa ante la propuesta "Don't Say Gay" enfada a los empleados de la compañía.

Mujeres emprendedoras

4 cualidades que podrían convertirte en el próximo Arlan Hamilton

Cómo impulsar sus posibilidades de estar entre el número récord de mujeres negras que ahora están abriendo un camino de emprendimiento y éxito.