performance standards


Want Elite Performance? Adopt These 5 Practices Of Top Tactical Units

Learn how the development of elite tactical units, like the Navy Seals, can create a better team.

Thought Leaders

4 Essential Rhythms for a Happy Business

Never lose sight of who you are and what you believe.

Thought Leaders

3 Lessons a Toxic Client Taught Me About Entrepreneurship

Slavish people pleasing is not a professional demeanor. Think through your relationship with your clients, what works and what doesn't, before a bad one does damage.

Business News

Jeff Bezos Reveals 3 Strategies for Amazon's Success

One of the richest men in the world shared his leadership tips for running a company.


How Pulling Our Investment in 'Average' Employees Made Us Anything But

Look out for these three red flags indicating that you've made a mediocre hire.

Growing a Business

4 Ways to Create Effective Standards for Remote Workers

Break down goals to their most basic components to make them easy for virtual teammates to follow.

Thought Leaders

Why Entrepreneurs Must Fight Mediocrity

The partial-reinforcement extinction effect is a real threat, which is why it's up to competitive business people to keep standards high.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

How a Warm Body Sometimes Can Be Worse Than Nobody at All

A business owner knows that an employee isn't successful at a job but isn't doing anything about it. What's the right way to proceed?