Presidential Elections: Page 7

Growing a Business

Why Politics and Business Don't Mix

Executives and business leaders should be aware that expressing their views by nature exerts pressure on employees and associates to conform.


Anchor Babies? What Really Matters in U.S. Presidential Race.

There are the only 9 issues that truly matter in the presidential campaign, and we need to address them now.


The 12 Wackiest Things You Can Buy From the Presidential Candidates' Campaign Stores

From Jeb Bush's guacamole bowl to Hillary Clinton's pantsuit t-shirt, the candidates are selling some surprising things to raise money.


In the Battle of Billionaires, Howard Schultz Doesn't Measure Up to Trump

Howard Schultz is reportedly being urged to run for president. But if he wants to succeed, he needs to better understand his target market.


Hillary Clinton's Likability Crisis

In business, you don't have to be liked to be successful. In politics, it's crucial.

Business News

Mark Cuban: I Would Consider Being Donald Trump's VP If He Asked Me

The tech billionaire apparently has more than just praise for Trump's presidential campaign.

Social Media

2016 Presidential Candidates Placing Emphasis on New Marketing Techniques

Candidates from both parties believe the road to the oval office is paved with new technologies.

Science & Technology

4 Ways Technology Has Impacted Presidential Elections

Over the past decade, political discussions have migrated from water coolers and dinner tables to smartphones and social media.


Red, White and Fabulous? Fashion Tips from the Campaign Trail

Entrepreneurs can learn a lot (or not) about dressing to impress from Barack Obama,Mitt Romney, Joe Biden and Paul Ryan.

Money & Finance

The Forgotten Issue? Romney, Obama Stay Mum on Capital

Neither candidate has said much about what they would do to help small businesses get the funding they need to run their business.


Where They Stand on Taxes: Obama vs. Romney

The Presidential candidates have been stumping for tax reform on the campaign trail, laying out two different approaches. Here's a comparison.


Democrats Nod to Entrepreneurs, Focus on Workers

Obama, like Romney, also mentions Steve Jobs in speech -- but as example of what one can become, given the opportunity.


Obama Regrets Syntax of 'You Didn't Build That' Comment

The President says that everybody present when he made his now controversial comment understood what he meant.

Growing a Business

Republicans Spotlight Entrepreneurs at Convention

Small-business owners were front and center in Tampa, Fla., this week.

Data & Recovery

Tech Entrepreneurs Urge Presidential Candidates to Consider Internet Freedom

Members of 'Internet 2012' will hit the road next month to spread the word about bills they say could threaten free sharing of information online.