Rock bands


Pink Floyd presenta un nuevo tema a partir de la voz de un combatiente en Ucrania

Se trata de Andriy Khlynuyk, vocalista de la banda BoomBox, quien cantó un tema nacionalista antes de partir al frente.

Business News

Pink Floyd presents a new song using the voice of a singer who is fighting in Ukraine

He is Andriy Khlynuyk, vocalist of the band BoomBox, who sang a nationalist song before leaving for the front.

Growing a Business

A Rock Band You Can Look Up to for PR Inspiration

Rock legends can teach you a lot about making your clients legends.

Social Media

4 Novel Trademark Developments We Saw in 2017

Current events quickly morph into trademarking sprees seeking to capitalize on what's in the news.

Real Estate

What Accidentally Buying Kurt Cobain's First House Taught Me

A real estate investor stumbled into a deal for the Nirvana singer's childhood home, which came with some free lessons.

Starting a Business

KISS Co-Founder: To Be a Success in Business, Think 'Me' First

Gene Simmons writes that 'you cannot fail' when you pursue a business that you are passionate about.

Growing a Business

7 Lessons to Rock Both the Stage and Sales

Touring musician turned startup employee shares advice from his former life that applies to growing companies.

Growing a Business

Sell Like a (Literal) Rock Star With These 5 Takeaways

Use these lessons from some of the biggest acts in music to up your game with your clients.

Starting a Business

How Being a Post-Punk Singer Prepared Me for the Startup Life

Tech founder on seeking funds for albums, booking tours and hanging with Dave Grohl.

Growing a Business

No Brown M&M's: What Van Halen's Insane Contract Clause Teaches Entrepreneurs

What was thought of a case of rock star excess actually provides a powerful business lesson.

Science & Technology

The Startup Success Story Behind the Band of the Day App

The Band of the Day daily music-discovery magazine app lets musicians be seen and heard.

Social Media

How Social Media Saved a Hollywood Landmark

The Roxy Theatre on Hollywood's Sunset Strip was on its way down when Nic Adler took over and restored it to prominence in the North American music scene.


How 'Augmented Reality' Software Can Blur the Lines Between Online and Offline Worlds

Total Immersion's Augmented Reality software solutions gives heavy metal band Mastodon an edge with fans.


Three Franchises Far From Business As Usual

From rock 'n roll to divorce to kickball, these companies take franchising to a new creative level.


The Flaming Lips' Wayne Coyne on Reinventing the Music Industry

For this iconoclastic rocker, there are no limits to how music can be packaged, delivered and consumed.